This is
essentially two films in one, one after the other. It’s hard to tell whether
each had worked on its own, but I for one think that the two halves compliment
each other, making their counterparts better for the experience. Claustrophobic
and intense, the opening act deals with the handling of despair and how to not
transfer that despair to the next generation, seeing that they have no way of
relating to the outside world.
closing act deals with transition and possible consequences, and an uncertainty
of the unknown. And both acts are brilliant on their own, but even moreso when
joined together. Abrahamson pulls just the right strings, balancing the
emotional tightrope without failing. The dialogue is spot on, the set design
praiseworthy and the supporting cast kicks arse (have Joan Allen and William H
Macy ever faltered?). But, due to the films central plot, it would have failed without convincing leads. Brie Larson
is nominated for a best actress Oscar, and rightfully so. But the real star is
actually 6 year old Jacob Tremblay. He’s simply terrific, and I don’t mean that
as in “he’s terrific, for a kid that age”. He’s simply terrific in
his own right.
Due to
inconvenient ferry traffic, I realised I wouldn’t make it to my intended film
across the river, and so swapped my ticket for this screening of Room instead.
I suppose I got lucky, and I hope Room will get distribution nationwide.
the Bechdel test
5 ponytails of 6